Opening Pandora's box tonight to annihilate what lives inside. A lifetime without a voice. Overlooked. Unheard. Unworthy. And I created every bit of it. From a fetus in the womb somersaulting to wrap the cord around my neck and pull. To a 45 year old woman trying to be seen by the ones she held closest while hiding behind a smile. A mime behind a self created pane of glass that I could have simply walked through anytime but didn't. Because I couldn't see it. Stuck in a self created, self defeating victim program so I wouldn't have to admit who I really AM. Avoiding the responsibility of being infinite. Of knowing what I always knew but held my hands over my ears and eyes and mouth in denial. I see it now. It's all my creation. My doing. My undoing. And now I uncreate it. I blow the fucking top off the box I placed myself in. I watch it burn and the ash drift away in the wind. It was nothing but a prop. A prop I no longer need because I see me. A creator. An infinite being larger than anyone can comprehend. I emanate fire and light. And love. So potent I change the world around me. Effortlessly. Because it's not what I do. Or what I say. It's simply who I AM. And I love that, now. There's nothing outside of that that matters.
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