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Love yourself enough to know yourself friends.

This came through during an Akashic reading I did for a client recently. It feels like it applies to so many of us so I am sharing it here.

"You have grown up in this life in a time where people are programmed that they’re never enough. Not smart enough, not pretty enough, not talented enough. This could not be further from the truth. Look yourself in the eyes in the mirror and remind yourself that you are god’s light incarnate. You are infinite. You are everything you want and need to be. You are everything your children need you to be. How can you not love yourself as much as we love you? My, you are enough. You are everything. Stand in your power and acknowledge your infinite self.

Now ask what I can do with myself? Anything.

What do I want and deserve in a partner? Everything.

Now start on a path of steps. One step forward. Next step forward. Give yourself grace and encouragement every step of the way."

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